Selafais Project
Selafais The Gods DreamLand
A Cthulhian Project for Books and
assosiation with the [Gods Dreamland] we will present to you the Selafais Project.
A Cthulhian fantasy Landscapes project in 6 parts.
assosiation with the biggest bookstore in the net the "Amazon" we will
present to you the best books about the Cthulhu Mythos and in general everything
that has to do with fantasy , mystery and sci-fi in books in magazines and even
in graphics.
[ Selafais Project ] [@ The Sea @ ]
And I have seen them turn the very Moon's rays into liquid, the which they poured upon their stones for a purpose I could not divine.
And I have seen them turn into many strange kinds of beast as they gathered in their appointed places, the Temples of Offal, whereupon horns grew
from heads that had not horns, and teeth from mouths that had not such teeth, and hands become as the talons of eagles or the claws of dogs that roam the desert
areas, mad and howling, like unto those who even now call my name outside this room!